Um Jammer Lammy NOW! Arcade CD & Media Archive Available at These are files from the Um Jammer Lammy NOW Arcade CD and pictures of the cabinet. If you're downloading this as a curious onlooker, you probably don't want the entire archive! This does NOT contain a playable version of the game or any game logic. At the time of writing, we are still coordinating an on-site dump of the ROMs. ================== Files in the archive: • UJLNOW - CD image... 4 redundant CD images using CloneCD & ImgBurn on a Samsung SH-224FB & HL GDR-8164B • UJLNOW - Extracted audio Audio files extracted from the CD image with jpsxdec • UJLNOW - Extracted video Video files extracted from the CD image with jpsxdec (compressed) • UJLNOW - Pictures, cabinet Pictures of the arcade cabinet • UJLNOW - Pictures, CD Pictures of the arcade CD • UJLNOW - Pictures, electronics Pictures of the game boards and other electronics • Cool Commands (fevers).PNG Arcade commands to enter in Cool mode for fever mode (provided by NanaOn-Sha) • UJL-NOW-Manual.pdf Pictures of the arcade manual (provided by KamiRappa) This file written May 26, 2023 ================== 【Credits】 Jonathan Ross Bought this machine in ~2007 from eBay, maintained it, and allowed strangers to take it apart Eric Yockey Coordinated with Ross and traveled to England to preserve the game and create this archive NanaOn-Sha Created the game and its assets Namco Ltd. Created the arcade machine in collaboration with NanaOn-Sha (and likely Sony) Visit Eric's Um Jammer Lammy NOW Video Series on YouTube for more info and gameplay footage: